Private loans are offered to all students in a degree eligible program or an approved certificate program. Parents may be eligible to borrow a loan too. Before you borrow a private loan, do your research. Look at interest rates, repayment terms and fees. After you explore all options, apply directly with your lender of choice. Your lender will do a credit inquiry and share your options.
Loan amounts are limited by the student’s cost of attendance minus any other aid. To get a private loan, students must at least be enrolled and in some cases they must be meeting satisfactory academic progress. For more criteria, check with your lender. Processing time for private loans vary, but on average you can expect it to take 2 to 3 weeks.
Effective Spring 2024: If a student or parent borrower wishes to return funds from a private loan that have
been disbursed, they must contact their lender directly to learn how they can return
the loan funds back to the lender.
Previous Loan Providers
Below is an alphabetized list of private student loan lenders our students have used over the past five years. There is no significance attached to where a lender falls on the list, so please research all options available to make an informed decision. You are not limited to the lenders from this listing and may use any lender of your choosing.
- Citizens Bank
- Connecticut Higher Education Supplemental Loan Authority
- College Avenue
- CU Student Choice
- CU Student Help
- Custom Choice
- Education Loan Finance (ELFI)
- LendKey
- Maine Educational Loan Authority
- Massachusetts Educational Financial Authority
- National Education
- Nelnet
- New Jersey Class
- PNC Bank
- Regions Bank
- Rhode Island Student Loan Authority
- Sallie Mae
- SoFi
- South Carolina Student Loan Corporation
- Thrivent Federal Credit Union
- Union Federal