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School of Medicine Columbia

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The March Seabrook Leadership Program (MSLP) was created to provide selected medical students the opportunity to explore and expand their leadership abilities during their medical education. The participating student may qualify to graduate with leadership distinction through participation in MSLP and meeting the specified requirements of the program prior to graduation.

MSLP Qualifications

To apply, the applicant must be a student enrolled in the Doctor of Medicine program at the USC School of Medicine Columbia and be in good academic standing in every class and in each block.

What Participants Will Recieve

  • A copy of a selected leadership book for discussions
  • Access to leadership training seminars
  • Administration and debriefing of personal leadership assessment
  • One-on-one session(s) with a leadership coach
  • Graduation with leadership distinction upon completion of program requirements

Program Expectations

Participants are expected to participate in the following activities during the rest of their medical education prior to graduation: 

  1. Assessments: Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Physician Values in Practice Scale (PVIPS) from AAMC Careers in Medicine, and an emotional intelligence assessment tool
  2. Individual Coaching Sessions(s)  
  3. Seminars (at least 3) – MBTI Group Debrief, Effective Communication, Building High Functioning Teams, book discussions, and Invited Health Leader presentations  
  4. Engage with a Mentor: Partner with a USC SOMC faculty member, or approved hospital or community leader, to create a project that develops and highlights leadership ability and service to the institution or greater community, and then create a presentation or poster on the project  
  5. Project Presentation – March Seabrook Leadership Symposium or at Discover USC  
  6. Maintain good academic standing and meet all professional standards of the School of Medicine Columbia

How To Apply

The application process for the 2024-25 academic year has begun and will run through the end of February. If you have any questions regarding MSLP, please contact Dr. Donna Ray at [email protected].

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
