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School of Medicine Columbia

Student Success

We provide individualized student support that is based on the specific academic program a student is completing. You will meet our team during your program orientation but we are available for consultation from the moment you are accepted. We want to help you anticipate the transition to your new and challenging academic setting, help you modify study processes for academic success, and help you manage maintain a balance that supports emotional & social well-being.

What We Do

  • Individualized Academic Counseling Appointments: Reach out to our team to schedule your individualized review of study processes. We will listen to what has worked for you in the past and offer some suggestions on potential changes to meet your program demands. We are also available to review test scores and help you modify plan to improve outcomes.
  • Academic Support Leaders: The Student Success and Wellness Center hires returning students to provide weekly support sessions for many of the SOM courses. If we don’t have an academic support leader team for your course, we will help you connect with previous students who were successful.
  • Academic Support Groups: Once a course begins, we offer some smaller academic support groups specific to a course and guided by a returning student. In these sessions, you would teach a concept to the leader and they would give feedback on what you are explaining correctly and what may need additional study.
  • Tutor Lists: While we cannot provide one-on-one tutoring, we try to maintain a list of students who are willing to have individual sessions to review how your are studying or help you understand specific content areas.
  • Standardized Exam Preparation: Most programs at the SOM have milestones related to national standardized exams. We can help you review your individual coursework or review board prep materials to determine your best path toward meeting these requirements. This includes standardized tests targeted at specific courses or clinical experiences and those required for licensure.
  • Developing independent learning skills: As you advance through your program, your coursework may require more independent learning outside of a classroom. We can help you transition your academic skills from the classroom setting to an independent learning setting.

Event Ideas

Students interestd in submitting event ideas for the SSWC are welcome to contact Cameron Holbrook at [email protected] or Amorita McClam at [email protected] with their respective idea.

SSWC Appointment Form

Students looking to meet with and set up an appointment with the SSWC faculty and staff may fill out the form below. Students will then be contacted about an appointment time and meeting place.

Student Success and Wellness Appointment Form

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
